
The Rock Blasting and Overbreak Control course teaches attendees the fundamentals of rock blasting including: proper product selection, design of key blast variables, overbreak control methods, and vibration controls. This course is designed to meet the needs of both mining and construction blasting personal alike and develop a deep, practical understanding of the principles of rock breakage. This course is geared so that anyone attending can go back to work, not only with a deeper understanding of blasting, but with new tactics to try at there site to improve blast performance and explosive efficiency.

Konya Rock Blasting

Brief Course Outline

  1. Introduction to Rock Breakage Mechanisms
  2. Determination of Actual Explosive Energy
  3. Priming and Boostering for Maximum Efficiency
  4. Initiators and Delay Devices
  5. Konya Burden Design
  6. Stemming Design
  7. Subdrilling Design
  8. Konya Stiffness Ratio
  9. Konya Spacing Design
  10. Konya Timing Design
  11. Pattern Design
  12. Secondary Blast Design
  13. Air Deck Presplitting
  14. Presplitting
  15. Precision Presplitting
  16. Trim Blasting
  17. Flyrock Control
  18. Vibration Control
  19. Air Overpressure Control
  20. Cost Estimation
  21. Blasting Safety
  22. Record Keeping
  23. Writing Realistic Expectation (Project Management)

Who should take this course?

This course is designed for anyone interested or working in rock blasting. Having worked in and around rock blasting, or having taken other college level courses is a useful background and can help attendees understand some concepts better, but is not required.

This course starts from the basics and teaches the practical methods of rock blasting and optimization of a program for better fragmentation, lower vibration and air overpressure, and proper movement of the rock mass.

This course has been taken by blasters, supervisors, managers, mining engineers, civil engineers, explosive engineers, geotechnical engineers, geologists, CEOs and many more totaling nearly 10,000 students in just this course.

If you are interested in receiving more information on this course, please Contact Us.